Wisdom teeth are the rear molars that erupt last, sometime around the late teens or early 20s. There are normally two wisdom teeth in the upper jaw and two in the lower jaw, but some people have fewer than four or even none at all. Wisdom teeth can cause various oral health or dental problems, including decay from overcrowding and impaction. Common problems associated with impacted wisdom teeth include gum infections, pathology and silent tooth decay in adjacent teeth.

Impaction is where the wisdom tooth erupts at an angle which causes it to butt against the next-door tooth or the gum. A wisdom tooth that grows on an angle can’t contribute to chewing, which makes it useless and at times painful. It is sometimes recommended that problem wisdom teeth be removed. X-rays taken while the teeth are still erupting can show whether or not they will cause difficulties.

Symptoms of infection

  • The symptoms of an infection caused by a wisdom tooth include:

  • Reddened, inflamed gum alongside the wisdom tooth

  • Swelling

  • Pain

  • Pus coming from the gum line

  • The lymph glands under the jaw become enlarged and sore

  • It may become difficult to open the mouth and to swallow

  • Fever

Common complications of wisdom teeth

In some cases, there may not be enough room in the jaw for the erupting wisdom teeth. This may stall their eruption, and make brushing and flossing these teeth difficult. Food and bacteria often become trapped between the wisdom tooth and its neighbouring molar tooth, which may cause tooth decay and gum infections.

Crowded wisdom teeth in the upper jaw have a tendency to lean sideways and grate against the cheek. This may cause ulcers on the cheek and chewing problems. The pressure from wisdom teeth may also force the other teeth closer together and interfere with a person’s bite. Cysts are other complications of impacted wisdom teeth. Very rarely, a tumour may develop at the site.

Antibiotics are a short-term solution

Infections caused by wisdom teeth can be treated with antibiotics, however the infection may keep coming back unless the problem teeth are removed. People with pre-existing health problems and compromised immunity may suffer complications from these infections.

Extraction (removal) of wisdom teeth is best done early

Wisdom teeth don’t usually cause any pain until the damage has already been done. Therefore extractions may best be performed sooner rather than later. The roots of wisdom teeth in a teenager are still forming which often makes extraction easier. The procedure may be more complicated if a person waits until later in life, when the roots of these molars are completely formed or damage/decay to adjacent teeth occurs.

X-rays taken while the teeth are still erupting can show whether or not they will cause problems. 

The risks of wisdom tooth surgery may include infection, bleeding, pain, damage to the adjacent teeth and sensory nerve changes ( alteration or loss of touch/taste/temperature unusual sensation and pain) - supplying the lip, chin, teeth, gums and tongue; TMJ disruption; oral-antral - sinus communication, sinus infection and very rarely jaw fractures - these concepts will be covered in your consultation and a patient information brochure to be reviewed in your own time will also be provided. Sometimes a more specific jaw CT (CBCT) will be arranged so as to better evaluate the anatomy.

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons have extensive oral surgical training that takes place for many years after basic dental school. Wisdom tooth surgery is one of the most common operations undertaken by Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons.

Dr Madden will take the time to run through the management options available to you and discuss whether it is best to have your wisdom teeth removed under local anaesthetic in the chair or under general anaesthetic (asleep) in a hospital setting.

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